
(a) 台灣駕照: 雖然現在駕照免換發, 但是前往日本租車時, 駕照仍需在效日期內.

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原本計劃入住金澤車站東口(站前)的旅館, 因臨時變動找不到便宜的旅館, 最後選了剛開幕沒多久的Hotel Mystays 金澤 (ホテルマイステイズ金沢).
Hotel Mystays 金澤 位於金澤車站西口,是連鎖旅館 Hotel Mystays集團, 位於金澤的旅館標榜大空間.


1. 透過るるぶ預訂的雙人房一晚只要6500円還付早餐及咖哩卷.

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當XP首次執行[Run app]時, 可能出現下列錯誤訊息.

Cannot launch AVD in emulator.
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.

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大阪臨空城Outlet 距離大阪關西空港只有一站的距離(日本大阪府泉佐野市りんくう)



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本文先針對讀寫控制說明, 之後會探討EEPROM讀寫錯誤的問題.


I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) 中文名稱為積體電路匯流排, 屬於一種傳通訊傳輸協定, 是飛利浦公司在1980年所建立, 傳輸時只要控制主要的兩條控制線, 就能進行通訊.

EEPROM(Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)中文名稱為 電子抹除式可複寫唯讀記憶體, 以往EPORM需透過UV清除內部資料, 而EEPROM是透過高壓來清除.

採用I2C通訊格式的EEPROM主要透過兩條控制線, 分別為資料線SDA及時脈線SCL, 採串列方式將資料寫入或讀出, 所以通常稱為Serial EEPROM.

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這種電子碼表為封閉式塑膠外殼, 前面板是不可拆除.



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型號 功能 Pin
7400 Quad 2-Input NAND 14
7401 Quad 2-Input NAND (Open Collector) 14
7402 Quad 2-Input NOR 14
7403 Quad 2-Input NAND (Open Collector) 14
7404 Hex Inverter 14
7405 Hex Inverter (Open Collector) 14
7406 Hex Inverter (Open Collector, High Volt.) 14
7407 Hex Buffer (Open Collector) 14
7408 Quad 2-Input AND 14
7409 Quad 2-Input AND (Open Collector) 14
7410 Triple 3-Input NAND 14
7411 Triple 3-Input AND 14
7412 Triple 3-Input NAND (Open Collector) 14
7414 Hex Schmitt Inverter 14
7420 Dual 4-Input NAND 14
7421 Dual 4-Input AND 14
7426 Quad 2-Input NAND (High Volt.) 14
7427 Triple 3-Input NOR 14
7430 8-Input NAND 14
7432 Quad 2-Input OR 14
7437 Quad 2-Input NAND 14
7438 Quad 2-Input NAND (Open Collector) 14
7442 BCD-to-Decimal Decoder 16
7447 BCD-to-7segment Decoder (Open Collector, High Volt.) 16
7451 2-wide 2-input, 2-wide 3-input AND-OR-INVERT 14
7473 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Clear 14
7474 Dual D-Type Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear 14
7475 Quad Bistable Latch 16
7476 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear 16
7477 4-bit Bistable Latch 14
7478 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset, Common Clear, Common Clock 14
7483 4-bit Binary Full Adder with Fast Carry 16
7485 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator 16
7486 Quad EXOR 14
7491 8-bit Shift Register 14
7493 4-bit Binary Counter 14
7495 4-bit Parallel Access Shift Register 14
74107 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Clear 14
74108 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset, Common Clear, Common Clock 14
74109 Dual J-~K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear 16
74112 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear 16
74122 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator with Clear 14
74123 Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator with Clear 16
74125 Quad 3-State Bus Buffer 14
74126 Quad 3-State Bus Buffer 14
74131 3-to-8 line Decoder with Edge-Triggered Address Register 16
74132 Quad 2-Input Schmitt NAND 14
74133 13-Input NAND 16
74136 Quad 2-Input EXOR (Open Collector) 14
74137 3-to-8 line Decoder with Address Latch 16
74138 3-to-8 Line Decoder 16
74139 Dual 2-to-4 Line Decoder 16
74145 BCD-to-Decimal Decoder (Open Collector, High Volt.) 16
74147 10-to-4 line Priority-encoder 16
74148 8-to-3 Line Priority Encoder 16
74151 8-Channel Multiplexer 16
74153 Dual 4-Channel Multiplexer 16
74154 4-to-16 Line Decoder 24
74155 Dual 2-to-4 Line Decoder 16
74156 Dual 2-to-4 Line Decoder (Open Collector) 16
74157 Quad 2-Channel Multiplexer 16
74158 Quad 2-Channel Multiplexer (Inverting) 16
74161 Sync. 4-bit Binary Counter with Async. Clear 16
74162 Sync. Decade Counter with Sync. Clear 16
74163 Sync. 4-bit Binary Counter with Sync. Clear 16
74164 8-Bit Serial in/Parallel-Out Shift Register 14
74165 8-Bit Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Register 16
74166 8-Bit Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Register 16
74173 Quad 3-State D-Type Register 16
74174 Hex D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear 16
74175 Quad D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear 16
74190 Sync. Up/Down Decade Counter 16
74191 4-Bit Binary Up/Down Counter 16
74192 Sync. Up/Down Decade Counter 16
74193 Sync. Up/Down Binary Counter 16
74194 4-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register 16
74221 Dual Monostable Multivibrator 16
74237 3-to-8 Line Decoder/Latch 16
74238 3-to-8 Line Decoder 16
74240 Octal 3-State Bus Buffer (Inverted) 20
74241 Octal 3-State Bus Buffer 20
74243 Quad 3-State Bus Transceiver 14
74244 Octal 3-State Bus Buffer 20
74245 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver 20
74247 BCD-to-7segment Decoder (Open Collector, High Volt.) 16
74248 BCD-to-7segment Decoder (Pull-up) 16
74251 8-Channel 3-State Multiplexer 16
74253 Dual 3-State 4-Channel Multiplexer 16
74257 Quad 3-State 2-Channel Multiplexer 16
74258 Quad. 2-to-1 3-State Multiplexer 16
74259 8-Bit Addressable Latch 16
74273 Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear 20
74279 Quad ~S-~R Latch 16
74280 9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker 14
74283 4-Bit Binary Full Adder 16
74292 Programmable Frequency Divider/Digital Timer 16
74294 Programmable Frequency Divider/Digital Timer 16
74299 8-Bit Parallel-In/Parallel-Out Shift Register 20
74323 8-bit 3-State Universal Shift Register 20
74352 Dual 4-to-1 Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 16
74354 8-to-1 Line Data Selector/Multiplexer/Register 20
74365 Hex 3-State Bus Buffer 16
74366 Hex 3-State Bus Buffer (Inverted) 16
74367 Hex 3-State Bus Buffer 16
74368 Hex 3-State Bus Buffer (Inverted) 16
74373 Octal 3-State D-Type Latch 20
74374 Octal 3-State D-Type Flip-Flop 20
74375 Quad D-Type Latch 16
74377 Octal D-Type Flip-Flop 20
74386 Quad 2-Input EXOR 14
74390 Dual Decade Counter 16
74393 Dual Binary Counter 14
74399 Quad 2-port Register 16
74423 Dual Monostable Multivibrator 16
74533 Octal 3-State D-type Transparent Latch 20
74534 Octal 3-State D-type Flip-Flop (Inverted) 20
74540 Octal 3-State Bus Buffer (Inverted) 20
74541 Octal 3-State Bus Buffer 20
74563 Octal 3-state Transparent Latch 20
74564 Octal 3-State D-Type Flip-Flop (Inverted) 20
74573 Octal 3-State D-Type Latch 20
74574 Octal 3-State D-Type Flip-Flop 20
74590 8-Bit 3-State Binary Counter/Register 16
74592 8-Bit Register/Binary Counter 16
74595 8-Bit 3-State Shift Register/Latch 16
74597 8-Bit Latch/Shift Register 16
74620 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver 20
74623 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver 20
74640 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver (Inverted) 20
74642 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver (Inverted, Open Collector) 20
74645 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver 20
74646 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver/Register 24
74652 Octal 3-State Bus Transceiver/Register 24
74670 4-Word×4-Bit 3-State Register File 16
74679 12-bit Address Comparator 20
74680 12-bit Address Comparator 20
74682 8-bit Magnitude Comparator 20
74688 8-Bit Equality Comparator 20
74697 4-Bit 3-State Binary Up/Down Counter/Register 20
747266 Quad 2-Input EXNOR 14

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移位暫存器(shift register)具有串列輸入並列輸出的功能,  意即輸入一串列資料, 會轉成同時輸出的並列資料, 若以8位元移位串暫存器為例, 則一次轉換可輸出8位元的資料.

8bit移位暫存器74HC164為14PIN IC, 有兩個Data輸入腳分別為A與B, 8個輸出腳Q0-Q7, 1個時脈輸入腳CP, 及1個清除腳MR.

資料輸入腳A/B: 當輸入腳位A或B為L狀態時, Q0輸出都為L, 當輸入腳位A與B都為H時, Q0才會輸出H.

資料輸出腳Q0-Q7: Q0輸出是依據 Data A/B而有變化, Q1-Q7則時分別由上一位Q0-Q6傳遞過來.

時脈腳CP: 當Clock訊號由L->H時會觸發一次位移.

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最近開啟網頁總覺得特別慢, 不管是IE, Firefox或Google Chrome都會有這樣的狀況, 開啟購物網站類的更容易跳出廣告或在視窗右側出現 ADS By xxx 的廣告.


若你跟我有一樣的狀況, 那可能是瀏覽器的捷徑可能被植入連結網址, 解決方式如下:

1.在瀏覽器的捷徑點選 [滑鼠右鍵]->[內容]

2.點選<目標>的輸入框 將xxx.exe" 後面的網址都清除

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